Hello friend,
no one can help when you stop communicate How to use getRssi() - Keil Studio - Arm Mbed OS support forum
Usually is good to share necessary steps how to reproduce your issue. For exaple
- I saw these pages - BLE - Tutorials | Mbed OS 5 Documentation and GAP - APIs | Mbed OS 5 Documentation in to KeilStudioCloud
- import/clone the example (from second page from previous point) mbed-os-example-ble-GAP - Demonstration of the GAP profile. It shows advert… | Mbed
- selected my target Hexiwear in IDE and change Mbed library to MbedOS 5.15.9
- in mbed_app.json file I modified the content for Hexiwear
- then tried compilation and I am struggling with…
Now is your turn…
BTW some times is good ignore reported errors from clang and try to compilation instead.
BR, Jan