Is there an official or unofficial way to use ESP8266 with Mbed OS 2?
I want to build a small project with ESP8266 and Nucleo F303K8 using the online compiler. It looks like the Nucleo F303K8 does not support OS 5 or 6, so I’m stuck with older versions. All code that I’ve found so far either does not compile or does not connect to my network.
because Nucleo-F303k8 is low memory target, then it is supported only under Mbed OS bare metal profile with both version 5 and 6.
Anyway the ESP8266 driver, under MbedOS (5 an 6), uses a Network interface and Sockets APIs and that will probably consume a lot of memory, and also according to this, these APIs are not available with bara metal profile.
Mbed(5,6) provide a ATCmdParser so you can try to controll ESP with it.