What happened to the QSPI example for DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A?

What happened to the QSPI example for DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A?


QSPI example using ST BSP drivers has been removed since QSPI is now directly part of mbed-os

@jeromecoutant Thanks for the clarification. As of what version of mbed os is that available? Is there a way to access that old example for older mbed os firmware versions prior to this mbed os change to QSPI?


You should really go to at least mbed-os-5.15 branch…!

ST BSP drivers example source was here:

@jeromecoutant It appears that the QUADSPI driver on mbed is write protected. Is there a way to modify bytes that have been set without erasing the sector or to erase only specific bytes?