Hi, I have a lot of questions.
Firstly I have a program that is example of SDBlockDevice - API references and tutorials | Mbed OS 6 Documentation
main.cp is :
#include “mbed.h”
#include “SDBlockDevice.h”
// Instantiate the SDBlockDevice by specifying the SPI pins connected to the SDCard
// socket. The PINS are:
// MOSI (Master Out Slave In)
// MISO (Master In Slave Out)
// SCLK (Serial Clock)
// CS (Chip Select)
uint8_t block[512] = “Hello World!\n”;
int main()
// Call the SDBlockDevice instance initialisation method
if (0 != sd.init()) {
printf(“Init failed \n”);
return -1;
printf(“sd size: %llu\n”, sd.size());
printf(“sd read size: %llu\n”, sd.get_read_size());
printf(“sd program size: %llu\n”, sd.get_program_size());
printf(“sd erase size: %llu\n”, sd.get_erase_size());
// Set the frequency
if (0 != sd.frequency(5000000)) {
printf("Error setting frequency \n");
if (0 != sd.erase(0, sd.get_erase_size())) {
printf("Error Erasing block \n");
// Write data block to the device
if (0 == sd.program(block, 0, 512)) {
// Read the data block from the device
if (0 == sd.read(block, 0, 512)) {
// Print the contents of the block
printf("%s", block);
// Call the SDBlockDevice instance de-initialisation method
It is working. Ouput is :
I’dont know which format is written data on SD Card.
1- How can I Write data that what I want. For example I want to write a .txt file on the SD card memory.
2- How can I Read this data when I insert the SD Card to the Computer.
Thank you!