Hi, I havent been on for a while. I’m running mbed studio and have tried to build a program that I last worked on in 2022 and its spitting a huge number of errors
it seems the MbedOS was not properly inicialized by MbedStudio. Try to delete build folder and right click on the project and choose active… if this will not help, you will probably need to recreate your project.
And when you work with a project just once per two years then maybe read this amouncment
Thanks Jan. I saw the announcement via email some months ago, so am planning to leave mbed and transisiton to the ST IDE and ST controllers for future projects. I am hoping to be able to make some final changes on this specific software before moving on - I really want to avoid having to port it to another controller/IDE.
Anyway, as always, thanks for your help - I will try your proposals.
I still cannot open the workspace correctly to try to solve my proplem. I erased and reinstalled Mbed Studio. I have project files in a folder on my desktop but mbed studio willnot let me look for the project folder to open it. I have the program in the repository as well, and can copy and pastec put the URL in the dialog box, then it asks for the program name and I am stuck again. Very confusing.
Ok, I see the problem, this is wrong. You have to open a workspace (WS for more) folder with MbedStudio too see all projects in that WS. Your project is opened as a WS currently.
So if you do not have then create a WS folder, for example - C:\Users\YourUserName\Mbed_WorkSpace
Open this WS in MbedStudio
Move the project or create new one in that WS folder
I created a file in the user directory and called it WS which is where the archived programs are and the unzipped programp I want to work on. But, mbed studio will not let me set the unzipped program to the active program so I can work on it. The ‘Active Program’ box is empty - there is nothing in it.