Adding a new hardware platform into Mbed

For a couple of years I have been successfully programming a K20DX256 Freescale processor (Teensy3.2) using Mbed online complier. This is supported through Teensy 3.1 support. However I need more MIPS and therefore would like to use the newer Teensy 3.6. This is currently unsupported. Having spoken directly with the makers of the Teensy 3.6. It seems that Mbed support is not coming from this direction. However I have made some preliminary investigations into register mappings and see that the MCU on the Teensy 3.6. The K66P144M180SF5RMV2, is a very close match to the K20. Most base addresses of modules and common functionality are identical. New extensions in capabilities are tagged onto the end of existing module base addresses after the common functions.
With this in mind I would like some further information about how to go about integrating the K66 into the Mbed eco-system. Is this just a case of modifying the files within the TARGET directory of the Mbed main library? If so any guidance.
I am not so interested personally in the new RTOS capability in Mbed OS5. Everything is more than enough with OS2.
Can this be done, does Mbed have any documentation to help me to start this task?
All the best

Hi Aidan,

We’re sorry for the late reply. Mbed OS2 already has support for the K66F, please see:

Hopefully this will just work for you as-is.

-Ralph, Team Mbed

Thanks Ralph,
I wouldn’t call that late. Considered would be a better word :slight_smile: Thanks!

Yes indeed I missed this as I was focused on Teensy. In fact I forgot that the NXP boards use the same processor. However the MCUExpresso does come with an awful lot of clutter. It’s this lack of unnecessary external hardware that attracts me to Teensy. The Teensy boards are almost raw MCU with pin breakout. Which from a development perspective comes closer to what I would have to implement in supporting hardware should I move to a PCB layout (hopefully) in future.

So…I suppose there is probably still considerable work to do, even with the knowledge I main gain from the existing K66 libraries.

What I’m really looking for is any documentation that Mbed may have that you would normally supply to the hardware vendor if they wish to integrate their platform into the Mbed environment. If I start this process, I would like to make it available to all, and hence I need a good document that explains clearly what a full integration involves.

I have a pretty good relationship with Paul Stoffregen, the guy that designed and supports Teensy. So maybe this might make things a little easier in the long run. And no he won’t do it. I already asked!!

Anything doing?

All the best


Hi Aidan,

OK - thanks for clarifying your goals. We do have a porting guide here:

One item that you will need to do is update the targets.json file and you can use the Teensy3.1 entry as a model for what you will need to do to add support for the Teensy3.6.

We think this will get you going but let us know if you have any questions on how to move forward.

-Ralph, Team Mbed