Adding Nordic targets

I’d like to get working on adding the Nordic targets into mbed 3.0. I just wanted to check that no one is else has already started on this. It seems all the ARMmbed repos were private before they were released so are there existing mbed-hal-nordic and cmsis-core-nordic repos that are still private?


There’s a mature yotta module for the nRF51. The release of this is held up by license negotiations with Nordic which are expected to conclude very shortly. We should be releasing our support for BLE (using nRF51) in mbed-3.0 very soon. Please save yourself the effort of creating a port.


Thanks Rohit, I’ll wait for the release.

@rgover1 Any news yet?

Waiting +1

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Where does what you’re going to release end? As far as I can tell there arent any hals released either. Are those coming? for which boards? Where exactly will we be duplicating work if we start?

@jjrosent Rohit’s answer above is still valid. Once we get a specific date, we will let you know.

Count me in with those that are waiting. At least give us a real roadmap so we don’t duplicate effort. I am specially waiting for DEVICE_SERIAL_ASYNCH & DEVICE_SERIAL_FC in ser_api.c for the nrf51 DK under the Keil IDE.

Hi @rgrover1 I see most of the core mbed libraries are making 1.0.x releases. Is there any chance that the kinks have been worked out with Nordic yet?

Nordic has informally agreed to allow us to distribute their softdevice through mbed OS. This should be getting sealed by the end of this week.

And does this mean support for DEVICE_SERIAL_ASYNCH, DEVICE_SERIAL_FC, DEVICE_I2C_ASYNCH, DEVICE_RTC, etc. will be included?

@rgrover1 I see all the repositories were made public on Friday but the targets (nrf51dk-gcc and mkit-gcc) are still not available. Is this intentional?

Hi Richard,

The targets contain the Nordic softdevice, which is a sticking point. We’re in the last leg of negotiating a license with Nordic for the distribution of the softdevice as a yotta module.

Hi Rohit,

Do you have any information if DEVICE_SERIAL_ASYNCH, DEVICE_SERIAL_FC, DEVICE_I2C_ASYNCH, DEVICE_RTC, etc. has been included. If not, do you know when it would be released.


Richard, Nordic has been working on improving their support of the mbed OS HAL for the nRF5x targets.I’ll forward this question to them.

Thanks Rohit for your reply. Can you please update as soon as you have any information regarding it.