What type of target are you using?
Also, can you ensure you are using the latest version of the online compiler - https://os.mbed.com/
You have to sign up if you do not have an account already.
Thanks for your response, Viji. I presume that the target is micro:bit (at least that’s what I see in the top-right). The url is os.mbed.com, so I further presume that I’m using the correct version.
I’m really sorry for no-one getting back to you sooner.
It seems that the example is not handling the default build config correctly for BBC micro:bit.
Your screenshot shows Default next to “BBC micro:bit”. You can change this to Boot or Fota to explicitly specify build config.
However, it is not much of a help, since example-blinky does not currently fit into the memory of micro:bit.
Instead, if you could please take a look at specific blinky demo, which compiles OK also with Default build configuration for BBC micro:bit:
I recon it might not be very clearly visible on the platform/board page which versions of OS are supported. You can find this information from the right hand sidebar with a note to Mbed Enabled and Mbed OS 2 or Mbed OS 5 for example.