Is there any board specific library available? If so, how do I access it?
I have a STM32F746G-DISCO board and I want to program the LCD. How do I do it?
on right side of Mbed board page for DISCO-F746NG | Mbed are old examples. These contain examples for LCD and TouchScreen - DISCO-F746NG - LCDTS DEMO | Mbed.
- The demo is based on BPS drivers - BSP_DISCO_F746NG - STM32746G-Discovery board drivers V1.0.0 | Mbed.
- The latest BSP drivers are from ST’s github repo for STM32F7
If you want something more advanced then you can check LVGL - Light and Versatile Embedded Graphics Library.
I did an example based on BSP drivers and LVGL library for Mbed in the past. It is not perfect, but it is working demo - DISCO-F746NG_MbedOs_LvGL_example - Example of using the LVGL (8.3.4) with the MbedOS… | Mbed
BR, Jan