Hi all.

This is my first time using Mbed Studio, I downloaded the software from Mbed Studio | Mbed
I did create my workspace folder, now after I have opened the workspace and I start my first program which is the blinky program, I try to build the program using the ‘blue hammer’ icon, with the target being NUCLEO-F446RE, and on Build Profile, I selected Release.
The compilation starts with some warning as it progresses, and it finishes and the result is that the Program was’nt built successfully.

Below is the output I get which lists some errors, Please help, anyone.

[Warning] @0,0: L3912W: Option ‘legacyalign’ is deprecated.

[Error] @0,0: L6636E: Pre-processor step failed for ‘BUILD/NUCLEO_F446RE/ARMC6/.link_script.sct’

[Error] @0,0: L6372E: Image needs at least one load region.

Warning: L3912W: Option ‘legacyalign’ is deprecated.

armclang: error: no such file or directory: ‘C:\Users\Siwa’

armclang: error: no such file or directory: ‘Nzwayiba\AppData\Local\Temp\p34c8-2’

armclang: error: no such file or directory: ‘Nzwayiba\AppData\Local\Temp\p34c8-3’

armclang: error: no input files

Error: L6636E: Pre-processor step failed for ‘BUILD/NUCLEO_F446RE/ARMC6/.link_script.sct’

Error: L6372E: Image needs at least one load region.

Not enough information to list the image map.

Finished: 1 information, 1 warning and 2 error messages.

[ERROR] Warning: L3912W: Option ‘legacyalign’ is deprecated.

armclang: error: no such file or directory: ‘C:\Users\Siwa’

armclang: error: no such file or directory: ‘Nzwayiba\AppData\Local\Temp\p34c8-2’

armclang: error: no such file or directory: ‘Nzwayiba\AppData\Local\Temp\p34c8-3’

armclang: error: no input files

Error: L6636E: Pre-processor step failed for ‘BUILD/NUCLEO_F446RE/ARMC6/.link_script.sct’

Error: L6372E: Image needs at least one load region.

Not enough information to list the image map.

Finished: 1 information, 1 warning and 2 error messages.

Hmm, it looks like it doesn’t like the fact that there’s a space in your username. This is a bit of a facepalm bug, but do you think you could try from a Windows account without a space in the username?

Hi @siwanzwayiba, @MultipleMonomials,

Thank you for reporting it. Mbed Studio should fully support spaces in the username. It used to be a bug but it was fixed in the first versions of Studio (around 0.6.0). We will investigate it to check if there is a regression.
@siwanzwayiba Would you mind sending us logs? It will help in the investigation as there may be some special cases that we are not aware of. You can send them using built-in report functionality in Studio: Help->Report an Issue. Please also let us know if you use a shared version of Mbed OS: Managing libraries - Managing libraries | Mbed Studio Documentation

Arek - Mbed Studio team