Hi, I have created a new blinky program and am getting the following errors Error: L6636E: Pre-processor step failed for 'BUILD/NUCLEO_F429ZI/ARMC6/.link_script.sct' Error: L6372E: Image needs at least one load region.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled mbed studio multiple times as I am assuming it is a problem with the build
Thank you for reporting this issue. Would you mind answering few questions? It will help us in investigation. It is weird than Arm Compiler is looking at temp folder.
Do you have your program located in ~/AppData\Local\Temp\p3538-3 folder?
Do you have OneDrive enabled for the location of where your program is? That may explain the temp folder path.
I don’t have a p3538-3 folder in the ~\Local\Temp, so I’m going with no?
I’m not quite sure what you mean by OneDrive enabled but there is a OneDrive account logged into the user, however the program is not stored on OneDrive.