Can I create the mbed 6LoWPAN gateway by K64F board?

Hi all,

I’m interesting in mesh network routing & mbed OS support mesh network library to do that, the guideline says that need a “mbed 6LoWPAN gateway” to connect with the test device which uses mbed OS.
So I want to know can I use K64F to create a gateway tool like 6LoWPAN gateway by using mbed OS & libraries?


The GitHub project “mbed-client-example-6lowpan” - indicates that there is an example code using K64F as gateway. See following:

But the link is not found, anybody know what happened? thank you very much!

Hello Karmas,

The GitHub project for FRDM-K64 Border Router mentioned in the Alternative section is missing.
Can you please provide the link to it?

THanks & BR,
Sagar kadam

Hi Sagar,

the message is record in
in the “Setting up the environment” chapter.


Hi Sagar,

This is the link: GitHub - ARMmbed/k64f-border-router: 6LoWPAN border router implementation for the FRDM-K64F board
But it is not found on the GitHub.


Hi Karmas,

Thanks for the link.
I had clicked that link earlier as well. But the code is not available as of now.
Is there a way through which we can get it?
Do you have it by any chance, if yes, could you please share it?

Thanks & BR,
Sagar Kadam

The repo is there, but it’s private. Let me check why.


Do you know how to make this code support Thread instead of ND?

Please visit repository GitHub - PelionIoT/nanostack-border-router: Nanostack Border Router implementation. It is supporting Thread now.

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