Cannot run with Ubuntu 22.04


Has anyone managed to install and run Mbed Studio on Ubuntu 20.04.1 ?

When I try to run it, I get the following error: [3142:0908/] GPU process isn’t usable. Goodbye.
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

I’m running a 4th Gen i7, with a Quadro P620 GPU

Hi Nicholas,

can you please add some more details?

Does this happens during the installation when using the program? If the latter, does it happen when Mbed Studio starts or is it when doing some specific operation? Did you see any error when installing Mbed Studio?

Mbed Studio is built using Electron. Do you use any other Electron application on your machine (like Slack or vsCode)?

Thank you for the information,

Federico - Mbed Studio Team


I have VSCode installed, and it works fine.
The error is when I try to run mbed studio from a bash shell. I did not notice any errors while installing.
Strictly, I am using Mint which is derived from Ubuntu 22.04. Maybe there is an issue there?

Here is the transcript:

noutram@ootymint:~$ mbed-studio
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.765] [INFO] MbedStudio - Configuration directory URI: 'file:///home/noutram/.theia' []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.766] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend Object.initialize took: 5.9 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.767] [ERROR] MbedStudio - (node:6311) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead. []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.767] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend ElectronTokenBackendContribution.configure took: 4.3 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.767] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend ElectronMessagingContribution.onStart took: 1.5 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.767] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend MbedEnvContribution.initialize took: 0.8 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.767] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend FileDownloadEndpoint.configure took: 0.6 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.768] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend TaskBackendApplicationContribution.onStart took: 0.2 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.768] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Starting the deployer with the list of resolvers [
    LocalDirectoryPluginDeployerResolver {},
    GithubPluginDeployerResolver {
      unpackedFolder: '/tmp/github-remote'
    HttpPluginDeployerResolver { unpackedFolder: '/tmp/http-remote' }
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.769] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - STUDIO_ACTIVITY_URL variable not set. Activity monitoring is disabled. []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.769] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend PluginDeployerContribution.initialize took: 0.9 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.769] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend AuthenticationServerImpl.configure took: 0.4 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.769] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend ActivityServiceImpl.onStart took: 0.1 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.770] [INFO] MbedStudio - Configuring to accept webviews on '.+.webview..+' hostname. []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.770] [INFO] root/mbs-device - Starting USB detection []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.770] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Found the list of default plugins ID on env: [ undefined ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.770] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Found the list of plugins ID on env: [ undefined ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.770] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Found the list of default plugins ID from CLI: [ undefined ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.771] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend PluginApiContribution.configure took: 1.4 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.771] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend DeviceManager.onStart took: 1.0 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.773] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend HostedPluginReader.configure took: 2.7 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.773] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Backend GitDetailsManager.onStart took: 3.0 ms []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.773] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Removing all user plugins []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.773] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Appending system plugins: local-dir:/home/noutram/mbs-plugins, local-dir:/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/plugins/electron, local-dir:/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.773] [WARN] MbedStudio - The directory referenced by local-dir:/home/noutram/mbs-plugins does not exist. []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.774] [INFO] MbedStudio - Theia app listening on http://localhost:40785. []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.784] [INFO] MbedStudio - PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path [
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.785] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Resolving "mbs-plugin-electron-mbed" as a VS Code extension... []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.796] [INFO] MbedStudio - PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path [
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.796] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Resolving "vscode-builtin-cpp" as a VS Code extension... []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.796] [INFO] MbedStudio - Resolved "vscode-builtin-cpp" to a VS Code extension "cpp@1.44.2" with engines: [ { vscode: '*' } ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.797] [INFO] MbedStudio - PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path [
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.797] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Resolving "vscode-builtin-json" as a VS Code extension... []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.797] [INFO] MbedStudio - Resolved "vscode-builtin-json" to a VS Code extension "json@1.44.2" with engines: [ { vscode: '0.10.x' } ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.797] [INFO] MbedStudio - PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path [
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.797] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Resolving "vscode-builtin-python" as a VS Code extension... []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.798] [INFO] MbedStudio - Resolved "vscode-builtin-python" to a VS Code extension "python@1.44.2" with engines: [ { vscode: '*' } ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.798] [INFO] MbedStudio - PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path [
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.798] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Resolving "vscode-builtin-shellscript" as a VS Code extension... []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.798] [INFO] MbedStudio - Resolved "vscode-builtin-shellscript" to a VS Code extension "shellscript@1.44.2" with engines: [ { vscode: '*' } ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.798] [INFO] MbedStudio - PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path [
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.799] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Resolving "vscode-builtin-xml" as a VS Code extension... []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.799] [INFO] MbedStudio - Resolved "vscode-builtin-xml" to a VS Code extension "xml@1.44.2" with engines: [ { vscode: '*' } ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.799] [INFO] MbedStudio - PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path [
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.799] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - Resolving "vscode-builtin-yaml" as a VS Code extension... []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.799] [INFO] MbedStudio - Resolved "vscode-builtin-yaml" to a VS Code extension "yaml@1.44.2" with engines: [ { vscode: '*' } ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.806] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - the accepted plugins are [ [] ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.807] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - the acceptedFrontendPlugins plugins are [ [] ]
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.807] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - the acceptedBackendPlugins plugins are [
    PluginDeployerEntryImpl {
      originId: 'local-dir:/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/plugins/electron',
      pluginId: 'mbs-plugin-electron-mbed',
      _type: 0,
      map: [Map],
      changes: [],
      acceptedTypes: [Array],
      currentPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/plugins/electron/mbs-plugin-electron-mbed',
      initPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/plugins/electron/mbs-plugin-electron-mbed',
      resolved: true,
      resolvedByName: 'LocalDirectoryPluginDeployerResolver'
    PluginDeployerEntryImpl {
      originId: 'local-dir:/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins',
      pluginId: 'vscode-builtin-cpp',
      _type: 0,
      map: [Map],
      changes: [Array],
      acceptedTypes: [Array],
      currentPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-cpp/extension',
      initPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-cpp',
      resolved: true,
      resolvedByName: 'LocalDirectoryPluginDeployerResolver',
      _rootPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-cpp'
    PluginDeployerEntryImpl {
      originId: 'local-dir:/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins',
      pluginId: 'vscode-builtin-json',
      _type: 0,
      map: [Map],
      changes: [Array],
      acceptedTypes: [Array],
      currentPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-json/extension',
      initPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-json',
      resolved: true,
      resolvedByName: 'LocalDirectoryPluginDeployerResolver',
      _rootPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-json'
    PluginDeployerEntryImpl {
      originId: 'local-dir:/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins',
      pluginId: 'vscode-builtin-python',
      _type: 0,
      map: [Map],
      changes: [Array],
      acceptedTypes: [Array],
      currentPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-python/extension',
      initPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-python',
      resolved: true,
      resolvedByName: 'LocalDirectoryPluginDeployerResolver',
      _rootPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-python'
    PluginDeployerEntryImpl {
      originId: 'local-dir:/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins',
      pluginId: 'vscode-builtin-shellscript',
      _type: 0,
      map: [Map],
      changes: [Array],
      acceptedTypes: [Array],
      currentPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-shellscript/extension',
      initPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-shellscript',
      resolved: true,
      resolvedByName: 'LocalDirectoryPluginDeployerResolver',
      _rootPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-shellscript'
    PluginDeployerEntryImpl {
      originId: 'local-dir:/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins',
      pluginId: 'vscode-builtin-xml',
      _type: 0,
      map: [Map],
      changes: [Array],
      acceptedTypes: [Array],
      currentPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-xml/extension',
      initPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-xml',
      resolved: true,
      resolvedByName: 'LocalDirectoryPluginDeployerResolver',
      _rootPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-xml'
    PluginDeployerEntryImpl {
      originId: 'local-dir:/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins',
      pluginId: 'vscode-builtin-yaml',
      _type: 0,
      map: [Map],
      changes: [Array],
      acceptedTypes: [Array],
      currentPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-yaml/extension',
      initPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-yaml',
      resolved: true,
      resolvedByName: 'LocalDirectoryPluginDeployerResolver',
      _rootPath: '/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-yaml'
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.808] [DEBUG] MbedStudio - local path to deploy on remote instance [
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.809] [INFO] MbedStudio - Deploying backend plugin "@mbed/mbs-plugin-electron-mbed@0.1.0" from "/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/plugins/electron/mbs-plugin-electron-mbed/lib/backend" []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.820] [INFO] MbedStudio - Deploying backend plugin "cpp@1.44.2" from "/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-cpp/extension" []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.822] [INFO] MbedStudio - Deploying backend plugin "json@1.44.2" from "/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-json/extension" []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.826] [INFO] MbedStudio - Deploying backend plugin "python@1.44.2" from "/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-python/extension/dist/pythonMain" []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.828] [INFO] MbedStudio - Deploying backend plugin "shellscript@1.44.2" from "/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-shellscript/extension" []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.837] [INFO] MbedStudio - Deploying backend plugin "xml@1.44.2" from "/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-xml/extension" []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.842] [INFO] MbedStudio - Deploying backend plugin "yaml@1.44.2" from "/tmp/.mount_mbed-s2yC9Iw/resources/app/theia-plugins/vscode-builtin-yaml/extension" []
[2022-09-08T10:27:41.842] [INFO] MbedStudio - Deploy plugins list took: 71.1 ms []
[6264:0908/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

Hi Nicholas,

thanks for your answer.

Unfortunately we don’t officially support Linux Mint, so there is not much we can do about this issue.

In case you want to investigate this issue, in our code base we don’t make any direct use of the GPU features, so it might be possibly related to Electron, the technology we use to package Mbed Studio.

Good luck,
Federico - Mbed Studio team


I will try and Ubuntu 22.04 to see if that works (As Mint is just a derivative of Ubuntu, it should be possible to get working).


Hi Nick,

I hope this info helps.

I have Mbed Studio(1.4.4) running on Linux Mint 20.3. I also have vsCode(1.71.0) running which states it has Electron(19.0.12).

I’m using a 2015 HP Notebook (AMD A8, 16Gb RAM, SSD and built-in Radeon R4/R5 GPU).

It just worked for me so it might be worth trying to re-install and checking for any unresolved dependencies or error codes.

Let me know if I can check anything for you on my machine.

Kind regards


I am on Mint 21, which is based on Ubuntu 22.04. I’ve tried installing mbed studio, but no change.
Looks like I will have to switch to Ubuntu 22.04 for now. Thanks for the suggestion.


Ubuntu 22.04 the same.

I run mbed-studio --no-sandbox and it runs


noutram@ootybuntu:~$ mbed-studio
[10688:0910/] GPU process isn’t usable. Goodbye.
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
noutram@ootybuntu:~$ Failed to start the backend application.
Error: Cannot find module ‘@mbed/mbs-core/lib/common/scheduler’
Require stack:

  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/node_modules/@mbed/mbs-library-mgmt/lib/backend/library-store.js
  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/node_modules/@mbed/mbs-library-mgmt/lib/backend/library-manager.js
  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/node_modules/@mbed/mbs-library-mgmt/lib/backend/index.js
  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/src-gen/backend/server.js
  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/src-gen/backend/main.js
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:797:17)
    at Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:690:27)
    at Function.Module._load (electron/js2c/asar.js:769:28)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:852:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
    at Object. (/tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/node_modules/@mbed/mbs-library-mgmt/lib/backend/library-store.js:89:19)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:967:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions…js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1004:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:815:32)
    at Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:727:14) {
    code: ‘MODULE_NOT_FOUND’,
    requireStack: [
    (node:10740) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
    throw reason;

Error: Cannot find module ‘@mbed/mbs-core/lib/common/scheduler’
Require stack:

  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/node_modules/@mbed/mbs-library-mgmt/lib/backend/library-store.js
  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/node_modules/@mbed/mbs-library-mgmt/lib/backend/library-manager.js
  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/node_modules/@mbed/mbs-library-mgmt/lib/backend/index.js
  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/src-gen/backend/server.js
  • /tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/src-gen/backend/main.js
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:797:17)
    at Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:690:27)
    at Function.Module._load (electron/js2c/asar.js:769:28)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:852:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
    at Object. (/tmp/.mount_mbed-s6xjOq5/resources/app/node_modules/@mbed/mbs-library-mgmt/lib/backend/library-store.js:89:19)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:967:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions…js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1004:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:815:32)
    at Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:727:14) {
    code: ‘MODULE_NOT_FOUND’,
    requireStack: [

Hi Nick,

thanks for testing Mbed Studio also with Ubuntu 22.04.

It looks like you have two different errors, one related to the GPU and another related to a missing Mbed Studio module. The latter might be caused by some issues with the Mbed Studio installation so my first suggestion would be to reinstall Studio to see if it helps.

Federico - Mbed Studio team


I’ve tried re-installing on two machines (both using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) and nether start.
I can get it to run (on both) if I type the following:

mbed-studio --no-sandbox


Hi Nick,

thank you for the investigation. The --no-sandbox option should generally not be necessary but it should not cause any harm. We’ll try to investigate why in some cases it might be necessary.

Thank you,
Federico - Mbed Studio team

Ok thanks. Let me know if you want me to test anything else (always happy to help).
I will try and find how to modify the taskbar shortcut so my students don’t need to use the command line.


There is an article which has analyzed the problem.

Quote the reason why it happens:

The issue is caused specifically because of the version of Electron Framework used on the project that contains a bug where it makes applications crash in with glibc 2.34. This issue was solved in the official electron project already, the problem is that the latest version of Keeweb doesn’t use a newer version of Electron (the issue is still open on Github), causing the problem of the application in many of the latest operative systems based in Linux such as Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora etc.

So mbed-studio should be the same as Keeweb because mbed-studio packages with Electron. Add --no-sandbox is only a temporary solution but not an ideal solution. So hope to get fixed version soon and thanks for your work!

1 Like

I happen to run into such issue on Ubuntu 24.04, the solution as recommended here is:

sudo sysctl -w kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0

In a later comment on the same thread on github, it is mentioned that the following line needs to be added into /etc/sysctl.conf to make it survive power cycles:


With that Mbed Studio on Ubuntu 24.04 seems quite usable with 5X+ faster compiling speed than on Windows.