Debian install path of mbed studio?

Good morning

Just installed mbed studio on my Debian 10 machine as I didn’t had luck with platformio on VSC.

Install went fine with only the message that the platform isn’t officially supported…

But…where is mbed studio installed? Nowhere to be found in /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin or in /opt…

thanks in advance

Hi Richard,

Unfortunately at the moment we only support Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04, other linux distributions are not tested. Since we use several third party software that is platform-specific it’s unlikely that Mbed Studio works on Debian 10.

To answer your question, the Mbed Studio executable (an AppImage) by default is installed in ~/.local/bin . If that’s not the case for you something might have gone wrong with the installation.

Hope this helps you,

Federico - Mbed Studio Team

Yeah the installation is weird…on one side requires “sudo” but installs it then under /root/.local/bin

Downloaded the tar-ball from the installer script…extracted it…copied the mbed-tools folder to $HOME and then executed the…

So now I could run it and it installed in the background the tools…

Now the only problem is that it doesn’t notify me when I connect for example a Nucleo-F072 board…though udev rules are installed and reloaded…


Odd…tried to install on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04. >LTS system…

It is also installed under /root/.local/bin…

And also terminates with “Your linux version is not officialy supported”…

I thought Ubuntu is supported???

Hi Richard,

sudoers right are necessary for updating the udev rules, that we use to detect the boards.

Mbed Studio is still installed in /root/.local/bin because we prefer it to be installed exclusevely for the user running the installer. This is also necessary because some internal modules need to be compatible with what we do on other platforms, like Windows.

As I mentioned before, at the moment only Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 are supported. We are already working to support Ubuntu 20.04, but due to some third party software (like clangd) this requires us some effort.

The fact that you see the AppImage in the wrong folder (/root/.local/bin) is due to a change in how the newer versions of Ubuntu treat the the $HOME variable when sudo rights are used by the users. You can find more information at How does sudo handle $HOME differently since 19.10? - Ask Ubuntu.

I hope this clarifies what you are seeing.

Federico - Mbed Studio team

Ah okay…meanwhile I’ll stick with platformio and mbed os 4.x.x…as it supports more Nucleo boards than mbed studio with mbed os 5…

Strange that I can choose almost all Nucleo boards but then it tells me that they are not compatible with mbed os 5…so why not exclude them from the list of supported boards then?


PS: Sad there is no irc channel (o;

Hi Richard,

That is a good question. The main reason why Mbed Studio doesn’t hide them is the fact that many of them are supported in Mbed OS 5 when bare metal profile is used. That’s why Mbed Studio has an icon next to target with this information. You can find more about bare metal profiles here:

Arek - Mbed Studio team