"class PS3 : public Serial" is error,please help me!Thank you!

#ifndef PS3_H
#define PS3_H
#include “mbed.h”
#define sikaku 16 //00010000
#define sankaku 36 //00100100
#define batu 37 //00100101
#define maru 38 //00100110
#define ue 32 //00100000
#define sita 33 //00100001
#define migi 34 //00100010
#define hidari 35 //00100011
#define L1 17 //00010001
#define L2 18 //00010010
#define R1 19 //00010011
#define R2 20 //00010100

#define PI 3.141592654

class PS3 : public Serial
PS3(PinName TX, PinName RX);/* : Serial(TX,RX)
PS3Data[0] = 128;
PS3Data[1] = 0;
PS3Data[2] = 0;
PS3Data[3] = 64;
PS3Data[4] = 64;
PS3Data[5] = 64;
PS3Data[6] = 64;
PS3Data[7] = 0;
attach(this, &PS3::getdata, Serial::RxIrq);
void getdata();
for(int i = 0;i < 8;i++)
(PS3Data+i) = Serial::getc();
void myattach();
void addattach(void (Func)());
void nothingFunc();
bool getButtonState(int button);
bool getSELECTState();
bool getSTARTState();
int getRightJoystickXaxis();
int getRightJoystickYaxis();
int getLeftJoystickXaxis();
int getLeftJoystickYaxis();
return ((PS3Data+(button>>4)) >> (button & 0x0f)) & 1;
double getRightJoystickAngle();
return atan2(double(PS3Data[6]
-1+64), double(PS3Data[5]-64))double(180/PI);
double getLeftJoystickAngle();
return atan2(double(PS3Data[4]
-1+64), double(PS3Data[3]-64))double(180/PI);
void printdata();
char PS3Data[8];
void (*fpFunc)();
bool addflag;



if you think that’s the right form to ask for help, it’s not.

Serial API is not supported in MbedOS 6+. You probably need to downgrade MbedOS to 5.15 or older Mbed2.

BR, Jan

Thank you for your help!And I’m sorry for asking the question in the wrong way.I will pay attention to it.
From Japan,