Connect to Pelion Device Management giving error

I was trying to connect to Pelion Device Management in five steps using the example code but i am unable to and the error I am getting is:

Connected to the network successfully. IP address:
…++ MbedOS Fault Handler ++…FaultType: HardFault…Context:.R0 : 20000A49.R1 : 00000001.R2 : 20005528.R3 : 05666E39.R4 : 200061A0.R5 : 00000000.R6 : 200054F0.R7 : 20005528.R8 : 00000000.R9 : 200054F8.R10 : 00000000.R11 : 20009088.R12 : 7DC8E292.SP : 200054C8.LR : 0803E287.PC : 08027408.xPSR : 21000000.PSP : 20005460.MSP : 20017FD8.CPUID: 410FC241.HFSR : 40000000.MMFSR: 00000000.BFSR : 00000000.UFSR : 00000100.DFSR : 00000008.AFSR : 00000000.SHCSR: 00000000.Mode : Thread.Priv : Privileged.Stack: PSP…Thread Info:.Current:.State: 00000002 EntryFn: 0804203D Stack Size: 00002000 Mem: 20003B78 SP: 20005848.Next:.State: 00000002 EntryFn: 0804203D Stack Size: 00002000 Mem: 20003B78 SP: 20005848.Wait Threads:.State: 00000083 EntryFn: 0803C7DD Stack Size: 00000300 Mem: 20000548 SP: 200007D8.Delay Threads:.Idle Thread:.State: 00000001 EntryFn: 0803BCE5 Stack Size: 00000200 Mem: 20000348 SP: 20000500…-- MbedOS Fault Handler

This error i have seen in the logs generated through serial communication.
Please help me for the issue.
Thanks and Regards

Hi Sumit,

Are you still seeing this issue,
Can you give another shot with the quickstart guide?
We are curious to know which device are you using the 5 steps with.