Using the Pelion program from the wizard in the online compiler for the Disco-746NG and updating all libraries to latest generates errors.
At this documentation site:
I do not see the Disco-746G mentioned at the supported borads.
So I guess the example is using old mbed os libraries wich are causing my errors.
I really want to use this board, I need the Touch display and Ethernet.
Question 1: Any hope I can get the Disco-746G working withe the latest mbes os & Pelion?
Question 2:
I tried switching the mbes os to earlier versions:
Imported the program leaving “update libraries untouched” also compiles withe the same warnings.
Then in that deployment I tried to revert to older mbes libraries
- 5.13 resulted in the same warnings
- 5.12 resulted in an error
- 5.11 resulted in an error
As a last resort, I just imported the program from:
pelion-example-common - The Arm Pelion Device Management code to be used … | Mbed
This results in an internal error.
I would be very disapointed if I can not use the board. I selected the board after consulting the mbed site, selecting OS 5.15 and it gave me this board as an option.