Debugging mbed LPC1768 on linux

Can anyone tell me which debugging tools actually work for this board on linux?

I’m using platformIO (vscode). I can compile, connect and upload using cmsis-dap via pyOCD. I can start the debugger but eventually it fails ( it looks like at the end when board execution is halted), with a transfer error, (no acknowledgement received.)

I have trawled web sites and found seemingly similar issues, but most of these posts on forums or on github issue trackers are old and stale, or are just left as open issues.

I could try mbed studio, but I know it uses pyOCD as well, which I believe has some open issues with this board.

I’m getting the feeling there is something specific to the DAPlink of this board that causes debugging issues.

Before I go and just shelve this board and get something else can anyone confirm whether debugging works on this board?

I’m using VSCode, but not with PIO. For debugging, I use the Cortex-debug extension, and this can handle several debug probes. For LPC, the J-Link, BMP or OOCD should work.
For debugging, the Sleep feature of Mbed makes also problems sometimes, I remove it in mbed_app.json with target_has_remove: {[SLEEP]}.

I will have a look at the debug extension.

Thanks Johannes, you give me some hope!