Hi everyone.
Looking for some board and mcu to prototype a hs usb system and saw the DISCO-F429ZI board.
It does much more than i’d need, but that would be fine anyway.
On Radiospares, it is about 30€. I looked at the BOM, ( http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/bill_of_materials/stm32f429i-disco_bom.zip ) and tried to check the price i could get.
If radiospares sells the board at 30€, knowing they are damn expensive, i expect them to buy it below 15€.
At that price, and even at 20€, i don’t know how they manage to build it, except by loosing money.
It is a big problem to me. That board looked interesting, but i do not need the display and some items. I thought i could build it for around 25€ myself, but the CPU is already over 12€, even when buying from CN. I feel cheated.
Any hint on how to manage lower prices for small batches? What price would you get for such a board without display?
Thank you.