External vs internal clock issue in a board using STM32F413CG processor


I am using mbed based boot loader and application. Boot loader uses internal clock and application uses external crystal (custom_targets.json => “clock_source”: “USE_PLL_HSE_XTAL”). When boot loader boots the application certain gpio’s and other interfaces don’t work as they should.

If i configure my custom board to use internal clock then these things work (custom_targets.json => “clock_source”: “USE_PLL_HSI”) . External 8MHz crystal is connected PH0 and PH1 (OSC_IN, OSC_OUT).

If I use debugger (and thus skip the boot loader) to start application these things work.

My question is should i take something into account when boot loader switches over to my application and they have different clock sources?


I don’t know which clock setting do you use, but you can have a deep look into this issue:



Thank you i will take a look at this! Might have something to do with my issue.