GPIO voltage selection (MAX32625PICO)


This feature is specific for MAX’s targets and probably it is uniq so this is not supported in Mbed. The Mbed usually supports generic functionality what are available on every MCU.

I do not have personal experience with that but I remember something.
Every MAX related (MCU with this feature) code has to start with this line

// configure VDDIOH to local 3.3V supply, set dipVio and swdVio to 1.8V supply
MAX32625PICO pico(MAX32625PICO::IOH_3V3, MAX32625PICO::VIO_1V8, MAX32625PICO::VIO_1V8);

And this one comes from this library - max32625pico - Library for MAX32625PICO board. Configures IOH s… | Mbed
When you look to the header file I believe you will found something about requested feature.

BR, Jan

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