Hello everyone,
I am working on the MAXREFDES101# from Maxim Integrated and want to send temperature data from the Watch to my PC over BLE. I don’t want to use the Device Studio UI, the goal is to start the Watch, start my python script on my pc to connect with the Watch over BLE and getting the data I want.
On the PC side I wrote a python script to connect with my Watch over BLE using the Watch-MAC address. The Connection is successful but obviously to get data I need a specific ID and/or characteristic to recieve the temperature data. So my first question is where I can find this information in the Code?
On the Watch side I think I need a few lines of code that read the temperature data and send it with BLE, but I don’t know how to do that exactly in this code.
Unfortunately not pretty much… I found this page (GitHub - LeeJin0527/realtime-blood-pressure-measurement: MAXMIM 사의 손목형 헬스 디바이스 인 MAXREFDES 101과 안드로이드 스마트폰 어플리케이션을 이용하여 사용자의 체온, 심박수(ECG, PPG)를 측정하여 수집한 다음 수치와 실시간 그래프로 보여주고, 파일로 저장 하는 프로젝트입니다.) on github that solved some of my problems like the communication between my pc and the device but it still don’t give me data. The connection with the correct characteristic and the write and notify commands are working perfect like LeeJin showing in the documentation but I am still getting no data. For example the LED’s for the PPG measurement don’t even starting. I don’t know why, I testet the code with the MAXREFDES101 and the newer version of theit products. With the newer one it works with 101 nothing happens. Maybe the link help you more than me, I am new at embedded systems. Please notice that you probably have to translate the documentation in english, its in corean.