Maxrefdes220 ble

I have a MAXREFDES220 and I want to read the values of the various sensors through BLE. I am developing my own iOS app and I am using CoreBluetooth to develop the BLE framework to connect to the MAXREFDES220. I am able to read the service and two characteristics (one has read/write properties and I think is to send commands to the board) and one to notify for values changes. However, I don’t know how to send commands in order to read the sensors’ values. Is there any example or guide to help me out? Thanks in advance


MAXREFDES220 does not appear to be an Mbed supported device ? Are you using mbed-os ?


i hope you are fine in this pandemic. There is technical document in maximintegrated website search for MAX32664D in that PDF document detail are give how to get the data. i hope this will be helpful to you.

Prasanth CP