Mbed Can Bus M4 core on STM32H7

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to get the CAN bus working on the M4 core of an Arduino Giga with the mbed can bus library but unfortunately I am stuck as no data is received. Did anyone manage to get the can bus running on the M4 core using Mbed pure? ANy help would be appreciated

mbed-os development is stale, there is a Fork Mbed-CE which as still maintained.
There is draft pull request for the Giga board, but it is not finished:

I dont’t have a Giga board, so I can’t test it, but maybe you can try Mbed-CE with this PR?
Is CAN working with the M7 core? There is an issue with CAN on H7, maybe related tho the CAN message filter.

Hi JoJoS,
Thanks for the reply. CAN is working on the M7 core and somehow not on the M4 core. I’ll give Mbed-CE a try. Thanks a lot

It could be a clock issue, that the clock for the M4 is not suitable configured for CAN. Just a guess.

  • Check Wiring: Ensure CANH and CANL lines are correctly connected.
  • Enable Transceiver: Confirm the CAN transceiver is powered/enabled.
  • Match Bitrate: Both devices must use the same CAN speed.
  • Verify Pins: Use the correct CAN TX and RX pins for the M4 core.
  • Test Example Code: Run a basic Mbed CAN example to test functionality.
  • Check Errors: Look for error flags in the library for troubleshooting clues.