Mbed CE ethernet nucleo h723 not working

Hello everyone.
I am trying to set up a tcp server on a nucleo-h723 board. ip address is set static.

The board is not pinged at user defined ip address(, but at it is pinged.

here is the debug print:

igmp_start: igmp_mac_filter(ADD on if 0x20001A24

netif: added interface st IP addr netmask gw

netif: setting default interface st

The cube ide tcp server on this board starts and works. the problem is not in the hardware.
DCHP in Mbed os does not work either.

Which Mbed CE settings should I pay attention to?

Hello and welcome,

do you use same code with regular Mbed before and it was working?
I want to udnerstand the context around.

BR, Jan

regular Mbed doesn’t work either.

Oh, I a remember this is the target which is supported just with GCC, so it is usable just with offline tools under regular Mbed.
NUCLEO-H723ZG support - Mbed OS - Arm Mbed OS support forum

Unfortunetely I do not have this one so I can not test it.

Maybe you can compare this init file with generated file from CubeIDE mbed-os/connectivity/drivers/emac/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32H7/TARGET_NUCLEO_H723ZG/stm32h7_eth_init.c

BR, Jan

is this a copy/paste error? The netmask is one byte to long. But it shouldn’t be possible to set such a wrong netmask, but it will fail to respond when the netmask is

Another issue can be using a wrong RAM area or unaligned memory, that results in a failing ethernet if after some time. I have provided a patch for this in Mbed-CE.