[MBed CLI Alternative] mbed-cmake

Also, one other announcement: I’m introducing two alternate builds of mbed-cmake: “retro” and “paleo”.

I know that there are lots of you out there who are still using older Mbed OS versions - maybe your target was removed in Mbed 6, or maybe you haven’t updated your code for breaking changes, or maybe you’re just scared to try out this RTOS business (that’s how RPL was until somewhat recently!). Since these versions will never get official CMake support, mbed-cmake is your only way to build them with CMake. However, until now doing that has required copying around a bunch of source files, and even manually patching the Mbed source code in some cases. With these new alternate builds, this becomes a lot easier:

  • mbed-cmake Retro contains the mbed-cmake system together with Mbed OS 5.15.6, for people who need Mbed OS 5.x
  • mbed-cmake Paleo contains the mbed-cmake system together with Mbed 2 r163 for people still using Mbed 2 (I know you’re out there!)

To use these alternate builds, just check out the retro and paleo branches of the mbed-cmake and mbed-cmake-example-project repositories instead of the master branch. I have tested that they compile and run on a few of my boards but I also don’t have the time to test them exhaustively, so let me know if they’re behaving weirdly.

Note: Unit testing is not supported on the retro or paleo configurations.

Note 2: You would not believe how hard it is to find the actual source code for mbed 2! The “most recent” release that mbed-cli downloads is broken and missing most of the source code, and all of the github tags are wrong so I can’t find the old releases on the GitHub repo. I was finally able to find the source code only via a mirror repository.