I’m trying to use the file system resources of mbed 6.5 and I’ve started from mbed-os-example-filesystem. This example compiles with no error on online compiler as well as on Mbed studio, however the binary code generated form Mbed studio generates a Hard Fault when it is executed. The binary code generated from on-line compiler works with no problems.
Is there any special procedure to import a project into Mbed Studio that could generate this error? I’m trying to migrate from online compiler to Mbed Studio, however I’m not figuring out why error like that are happening.
Could someone give me some clue about that?
Could you let us know the target your are using? We will investigate it using the same board. Online Compiler and Mbed Studio uses a different version of Arm Compiler (6.13 vs 6.14). It may explain the difference in behaviour you are seeing.