Hi all, in mbedos 6.7 I try to use my makediary NRF52480. it is a nice board with a daplink debug port on board.
Unfortunately in mbedos 6.7 the board is not yet supported. But after some time spent in documentation and forum. I create a custom target like this:
"NRF52840_MDK": {
"inherits": ["MCU_NRF52840"],
"overrides": {
"lf_clock_src": "NRF_LF_SRC_SYNTH"
"device_name": "nRF52840_xxAA",
"detect_code": ["0230"]
I think that I can remove “detect_code”: [“0230”] but this is another story…
I have create a folder TARGET_NRF52840_MDK in
with the files divice.h and PinNames.h that I copied from a similar board like NRF52480-DK. After of that and in according with pinout of makediary NRF52480 I have modify he PinNames.h
yeah! the led blinking! but now I try to put some breakpoint to go in debug with my code but from mbed studio the button for debug is disable. I have already updated the firmware of daplink with the last version present here:
but I can not go in debug in my code any idea? Thank for help!