Nanostack-border-router + spiriti1 console problem

I am trying to run nanostack-border-router with k66f + spirit1.
After the build, the flash was smooth, but there is no console output on the serial monitor.

What modifications are needed to solve this?

nanostack-border-router import master branch mbed-os-6.8.0

The mbed_app.json settings are as follows:


"config": {


        "help": "options are ATMEL, MCR20, SPIRIT1",

        "value": "SPIRIT1"


    "backhaul-driver": {

        "help": "options are ETH, SLIP, EMAC",

        "value": "EMAC"


    "mesh-mode": {

        "help": "Mesh networking mode. Options are LOWPAN_ND and THREAD",

        "value": "LOWPAN_ND"


    "backhaul-mac-src": {

        "help": "Where to get EUI48 address. Options are BOARD, CONFIG",

        "value": "BOARD"


    "nanostack_extended_heap": {

        "help": "Add additional memory region to nanostack heap. Valid only for selected platforms. Region size may vary depending of the toolchain.",

        "value": false


    "backhaul-mac": "{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}",

    "slip_hw_flow_control": "false",

    "slip_serial_baud_rate": "921600",

    "debug-trace": "false",

    "defined-BR-config": "true",

    "security-mode": "NONE",

    "psk-key-id": 1,

    "psk-key": "{0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf}",

    "pana-mode": "",

    "tls-psk-key": "{0xcf, 0xce, 0xcd, 0xcc, 0xcb, 0xca, 0xc9, 0xc8, 0xc7, 0xc6, 0xc5, 0xc4, 0xc3, 0xc2, 0xc1, 0xc0}",

    "tls-psk-key-id": 1,

    "pan-id": "0x0691",

    "network-id": "network000000000",

    "beacon-protocol-id": 4,

    "prefix": "fd00:db8::",

    "prefix-from-backhaul": true,

    "rf-channel": 12,

    "rf-channel-page": 0,

    "rf-channel-mask": "0x07fff800",

    "short-mac-address": "0xface",

    "backhaul-dynamic-bootstrap": true,

    "backhaul-prefix": "fd00:db8:ff1::",

    "backhaul-default-route": "::/0",

    "backhaul-next-hop": "fe80::1",

    "ra-router-lifetime": 1024,

    "rpl-instance-id": 1,

    "rpl-idoublings": 9,

    "rpl-imin": 12,

    "rpl-k": 10,

    "rpl-max-rank-inc": 2048,

    "rpl-min-hop-rank-inc": 128,

    "rpl-default-lifetime": 64,

    "rpl-lifetime-unit": 60,

    "rpl-pcs": 1,

    "rpl-ocp": 1,

    "multicast-addr": "ff05::7",

    "LED": "NC",

    "SERIAL_TX": "NC",

    "SERIAL_RX": "NC",

    "SERIAL_CTS": "NC",

    "SERIAL_RTS": "NC"


"target_overrides": {

    "*": {

        "": "ETHERNET",

        "nsapi.default-stack": "NANOSTACK",

        "mbed-trace.enable": 1,

        "nanostack.configuration": "lowpan_border_router",

        "platform.stdio-convert-newlines": true,

        "platform.stdio-baud-rate": 115200,

        "mbed-mesh-api.heap-size": 40000,

        "mbed-mesh-api.heap-stat-info": "&memory_heap_stat",

        "mbed-mesh-api.heap-stat-info-definition": "mem_stat_t memory_heap_stat;"


    "K64F": {

        "LED": "LED_GREEN",

        "SERIAL_TX": "PTE0",

        "SERIAL_RX": "PTE1",

        "SERIAL_CTS": "PTE2",

        "SERIAL_RTS": "PTE3",




    "K66F": {

        "LED": "LED_GREEN",






Probably a good first step would be to try running a debugger on the board. See if it enters main() or if it seems to be crashing.

Thanks for the reply.
If I set it to “atmel” instead of “spirit1”, the console is displayed, and if I debug, the main is normally entered.
I guess there seems to be a pin conflict between the spirit1 driver and the k66f usb console.