Have trouble using NUCLEO-F429ZI for nanostack border router

I’m trying to use f429zi and X-NUCLEO-S2915A1 for nanostack GitHub - PelionIoT/nanostack-border-router: Nanostack Border Router implementation

I changed the mbed_app.json file as following

“config”: {
“help”: “options are ATMEL, MCR20, SPIRIT1, S2LP”,
“value”: “S2LP”
“backhaul-driver”: {
“help”: “options are ETH, SLIP, EMAC, CELL”,
“value”: “EMAC”
“mesh-mode”: {
“help”: “Mesh networking mode. Options are LOWPAN_ND, LOWPAN_WS and THREAD”,
“value”: “LOWPAN_WS”
“backhaul-mac-src”: {
“help”: “Where to get EUI48 address. Options are BOARD, CONFIG”,
“value”: “BOARD”
“backhaul-mld”: {
“help”: “Enable proxying Multicast Listener Discovery messages to backhaul network”,
“value”: “false”
“nanostack_extended_heap”: {
“help”: “Add additional memory region to nanostack heap. Valid only for selected platforms. Region size may vary depending of the toolchain.”,
“value”: true
“backhaul-mac”: “{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}”,
“debug-trace”: “true”,
“backhaul-dynamic-bootstrap”: true,
“backhaul-prefix”: “"fd00:db8:ff1::"”,
“backhaul-default-route”: “"::/0"”,
“backhaul-next-hop”: “"fe80::1"”,
“multicast-addr”: “ff05::7”,
“LED”: “NC”,
“uc-channel-function”: 255,
“bc-channel-function”: 255,
“regulatory-domain”: 3,
“operating-class”: 255,
“operating-mode”: 255,
“uc-fixed-channel”: “0xffff”,
“bc-fixed-channel”: “0xffff”,
“network-name”: “"Wi-SUN Network"”,
“certificate-header”: {
“help”: “Certificate header”,
“value”: “"wisun_certificates.h"”
“root-certificate”: {
“help”: “Root certificate in PEM format (must be a null terminated c-string)”,
“own-certificate”: {
“help”: “Own certificate in PEM format (must be a null terminated c-string)”,
“own-certificate-key”: {
“help”: “Own certificate’s key in PEM format (must be a null terminated c-string)”,
“s2lp”: {
“SPI_SCLK”: “PB_3”,
“SPI_SDI”: “PB_5”

"macros": ["MBEDTLS_USER_CONFIG_FILE=\"source/mbedtls_wisun_config.h\""],    
"target_overrides": {
    "*": {
        "target.network-default-interface-type": "ETHERNET",
        "nsapi.default-stack": "NANOSTACK",
        "mbed-trace.enable": 1,
        "nanostack.configuration": "ws_border_router",
        "platform.stdio-convert-newlines": true,
        "platform.stdio-baud-rate": 115200,
        "mbed-mesh-api.heap-size": 65535,
        "mbed-mesh-api.heap-stat-info": "&memory_heap_stat",
        "mbed-mesh-api.heap-stat-info-definition": "mem_stat_t memory_heap_stat;",
        "platform.stdio-buffered-serial": true
    "K64F": {
    "K66F": {
    "K64F_STATIC_BR": {
        "network-name": "\"ARM-WS-LAB-NWK\"",
        "mbed-mesh-api.heap-size": 100000

        "network-name": "\"ARM-WS-LAB-NWK\"",
        "mbed-mesh-api.heap-size": 100000



this compiles but once I load it to the board , in the terminal message, it says there is an s2lp error
[ERR ][s2lp]: Failed to change state from 0 to: 30

I tried to add f429zi in the target overide section but shows the same error

What should I do to fix the progam?