Making the step from the Arduino platform to a more sophisticated environment I chose Mbed Studio as my IDE with Mbed OS V6.
Unfortunately Mbed Studio signals “Cannot debug for selected platform”.
What are my possiiblities to debug my code for the Nucleo-L496ZH?
(Arkadiusz Zaluski)
August 10, 2020, 3:00pm
Hi @bennyfieldman , @jeromecoutant ,
Thank you for reporting this issue. Do you mean Nucleo-L496ZH or Nucelo-L496ZG? (NUCLEO-L496ZG | Mbed )
Mbed Studio is using pyOCD (GitHub - pyocd/pyOCD: Open source Python library for programming and debugging Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers ) to deploy and debug a program on the board. I do not see this board to be officially supported by this tool. That being said Studio is extending the list of boards that can be debugged by shipping CMSIS-Packs.
Something you can try is to use a custom-targets logic built-in Studio to tell pyOCD what pack should be used for this board. You can find more information about custom-targets here: Custom targets - Supported and custom targets | Mbed Studio Documentation
Mbed Studio should already include a pack for STM32L496ZGTx and STM32L496ZGYx
Arek - Mbed Studio team