Olimex STM32-E407 not supported under Mbed Studio

I have been using the Olimex STM32-E407 production STM32 board for some years. It was added to the Mbed OS as a target in Oct 2019 (see Olimex STM32-E407 target added to Mbed OS).

I have been using the command line Mbed-cli toolset happily since then. Mbed studio was released and I downloaded that to use with the board. BUT, the Olimex board is not there as a target kit.

Why is that? Can it be added please?





Your board is available only under MbedOS5, and it was removed in MbedOS6.

If you want to see it in the MbedStudio you need to downgrade MbedOS to 5.15. So that is not related to the MbedStudio.

BR, Jan

Thanks that is helpful. But I cannot see how to downgrade Mbed Studio to use os 5.15.5.

Am I obliged not to be able to benefit from the tools inside Mbed studio?

Not downgrade MbedStudio but only MbedOS library version. For HOW TO, just visit Mbed Studio Documentation and section Managing libraries or Creating or importing a program.

BR, Jan

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thanks, I’ll explore that.

Happy New Year.
