Os5 compiler warnings

I get these warnings when compiling with the CloudCompiler.

Warning: ‘CallChain’ is deprecated: CallChain has been deprecated and will be removed. [-Wdeprecated-declarations] in “extras/mbed-os.lib/drivers/InterruptManager.h”, Line: 204, Col: 5

Warning: ‘wait’ is deprecated: ‘wait’ is deprecated in favor of explicit sleep functions. To sleep, ‘wait’ should be replaced by ‘ThisThread::sleep_for’ (C++) or ‘thread_sleep_for’ (C). If you wish to wait (without sleeping), call ‘wait_us’. ‘wait_us’ is safe to call from ISR context. [since mbed-os-5.14] [-Wdeprecated-declarations] in “extras/mbed-os.lib/targets/TARGET_NXP/USBHAL_LPC17.cpp”, Line: 414, Col: 5

Warning: ‘wait’ is deprecated: ‘wait’ is deprecated in favor of explicit sleep functions. To sleep, ‘wait’ should be replaced by ‘ThisThread::sleep_for’ (C++) or ‘thread_sleep_for’ (C). If you wish to wait (without sleeping), call ‘wait_us’. ‘wait_us’ is safe to call from ISR context. [since mbed-os-5.14] [-Wdeprecated-declarations] in “extras/mbed-os.lib/targets/TARGET_NXP/USBHAL_LPC17.cpp”, Line: 414, Col: 5

Should I ignore them and go on , please advise.

Best Regards,
Pramod Joglekar

If you look at the warning messages, they’re all in the mbed library. These deprecation warnings come from portions of the mbed library (in this case, NXP’s target specific C/C++ files). This usually indicates that some one (again, in this case, NXP) has not migrated its code to use the newer functions.

There is one caveat, however: there are a number of devices whose support will disappear with mbed-os v6. You can google the list. This is only barely related to the deprecation warnings in the sense that it might further indicate that they’re not supporting it in the upcoming major version. I’m not saying that this is true, I am just suggesting that it is possible.