Since a few days, the download to the Nucleo card that I use for my courses with the “run” button does not work anymore. I have the following message:
I have updated the firmware of the card, but nothing happens. It is well recognized, but obviously there is no “package”.
If you have the same problems and have solutions, thank you in advance for your answer.
(Arkadiusz Zaluski)
March 30, 2023, 4:12pm
Hi @pierreprovent ,
Thank you for reporting this issue. We are investigating it.
Arek - Studio team
(Jan Kamidra)
March 30, 2023, 6:33pm
I can confirm same behavior on my Nucleo-F429ZI and similar also on Nucleo-F767ZI
Nucleo-H743ZI2 seems be ok.
BR, Jan
Hi All,
I am facing the same issue with my Nucleo-F401RE board.
Please continue to update us regarding this issue.
Thank you,
(Arkadiusz Zaluski)
April 4, 2023, 8:40am
Hi @pierreprovent , @JohnnyK , @Nathan_Wong
Thank you for reporting this issue. We can reproduce it and are working on a fix.
Arek - Studio team
Everything is working properly now : the download and even the debug with the Nucleo F429ZI board. My students and I thank the whole team for their reactivity.
Hello Sir. I have the same problem. How did you solve it.
(Jan Kamidra)
May 13, 2023, 2:54pm
This issue was solved by a fix on the side of Keil Studio Cloud developers, how’s written above.
Are you sure you have exactly same issue? What target do you have and did you have firmware updated?
BR, Jan
My target is the Nucleo board F429ZI. I’ve updated my firmware…
Device Selected: 0668FF495177514867222244
Parse debug description…
Create system description…
Connect to debug unit (ST-Link)…
Terminal will be reused by tasks.
Device Selected: 0668FF495177514867222244
Parse debug description…
Create system description…
Connect to debug unit (ST-Link)…
Configure debug unit (SWD @ 10000000 Hz)…
Create device map…
Add Flash Algorithm…
‘STM32F4xx 2MB Flash’ (0x08000000 - 0x081fffff)
Connect (‘underReset’) to device STM32F429ZITx…
Assert hardware reset…
Device connected
Hardware reset de-asserted
Device halted after connect
Reset (‘auto’)…
Reset completed
Load application…
Erase sectors…
Sectors erased in 1.77 seconds
Program flash…
Flash programmed in 7.008 seconds
Verify flash download…
Flash download verified in 1.212 seconds
Reset & run target…
Disconnect from device…
Disconnect from debug unit…
Flash succeeded
Terminal will be reused by tasks.
Flash skipped due to active debug session ‘Browser Debug’
(Jan Kamidra)
May 13, 2023, 7:50pm
I tried my Nucleo-F429ZI and everything is working as expected and my log looks same like your one. Except last line.
Flash skipped due to active debug session ‘Browser Debug’
That seems like you have another instance of KSC in your browser maybe, but definitely it is not same issue as described above.
BR, Jan