can anyone help me with these errors that I coming up in my compile on the ‘problems’ tab?
for reference here is my .json file
here is the library file tab contents
here is the output
Thank you
can anyone help me with these errors that I coming up in my compile on the ‘problems’ tab?
for reference here is my .json file
here is the library file tab contents
here is the output
Thank you
this was know issue with baremetal but was never solved if I remember.
You can try this Updated libraries now get Error about FPU Nucleo f103rb - #13 by Kim_Borch
BR, Jan
Any progress?
Hi Jan,
Thanks for asking. I got it running yesterday correctly after a lot of fiddling around with the binary loader (Tedd Okano’s) but on a further attempt after updating the codes (one of the outputs had to change function) it has problems again. Later today I will change the chip on the target and then try again.
I’ll kept you posted- thanks for all your help on this.
Well, I as unable to replicate the ‘working’ target after making a minor update as discussed earlier. I replaced the device on the target board and reprogrammed it using Tedd Okano’s
This is what the programmer reported
In other words, it looks perfect and the target is programmed.
Unfortunately, it will not run on the target. So, I am presuming that somehow mbed OS is not compatible with the LPC1114, or there is some other fundamental problem, or the programmer is somehow no longer compatible with mbed OS. vI would think that if any of the API’s I have used were no longer compatible with mbed OS, that would get flagged up in the compile, but its compiling with zero problems in the Problems tab.
Any thoughts/ideas
did you try a simple blinky program or some printf debugging?
BR, Jan