I have seen Mbed Studio freeze quite often with the following loading state as seen in the first screenshot. Then when I try to close Mbed Studio, I get the error in the second screenshot.
Mbed Studio Version: 1.4.3
OS: Mac OS Big Sur Version 11.6 on MacBook Pro (15 inch, 2019)
Can you clarify the behaviour you see when there is a freeze please? Is all of the UI frozen, or can you still for example type in the editor window and operate the menus? Does the status bar at the bottom of the screen turn yellow?
It would help to see the application logs after a crash. You can send them to the Mbed Studio support email using the “report an issue” entry in the help menu.
I encounter the same problem. Apparently it occurs each time I let the IDE open and doesn’t interact with it during several minutes.
The whole UI is in this case frozen and the only way to get out of it is to quit the application.
I will send the log next time it occurs.
Once it is in this state, the Mbed Studio is unresponsive. Even though some UI functionality still works like switching windows or panels, interacting with them does nothing. For example, clicking on Help → About Mbed Studio does nothing, clicking the build button does nothing, etc.
Worth mentioning that this doesn’t happen when locking my laptop and quickly unlocking it again. Only when I leave it for a while does it go into this state. I tried plugging in a target as can be seen in the second screenshot but that didn’t affect things. It was leaving the laptop locked for a while that then reproduced this (and it happens every time I leave my laptop locked for longer than a minute or so).
I usually resolve this by quitting and re-opening Mbed Studio. When I do so, using CTRL+Q, I am shown the following window.