I’m testing a WebSocket client, noticed system will hang if I unplug ethernet cable. This was eventually tracked down to the function in the title., specifically the labelled line in the following code:
nsapi_error_t TLSSocketWrapper::close()
if (!_transport) {
tr_info("Closing TLS");
int ret = 0;
if (_handshake_completed) {
ret = mbedtls_ssl_close_notify(&_ssl); // <-- this line hangs
if (ret) {
print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_close_notify", ret);
_handshake_completed = false;
if (_close_transport) {
int ret2 = _transport->close();
if (!ret) {
ret = ret2;
_transport = NULL;
return ret;
If set socket timeout to a finite number of milliseconds instead of unbound/blocking, I will get the following error output in console:
[ERR ][TLSW]: mbedtls_ssl_close_notify() failed: -0x6880 (-26752): SSL - Connection requires a write call
This seems to be a problem in both Mbed-OS 5 and 6. Setting timeout seems able to get around it, but I feel that might lead to memory leak or other unintended consequences.
Can somebody on this forum comment on this? I reported the issue on GitHub, so far it didn’t seem getting any attention from Mbed Team.