Unable to enter debug mode on keil studio

I am using SDP-K1 which uses an STM32f469 microcontroller. I am trying to enter the debug mode but it gives me this error

Build started
Using toolchain ARMC6 profile {'ENV': {'ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE': '8224@'}, 'PATHS': {'ARMC6_PATH': '/opt/ARMCompiler6.15.13/bin/', 'ARM_PATH': '/opt/armcc5_06_u6/'}, 'common': ['-c', '--gnu', '-O3', '-Otime', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'], 'cxx': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'], 'COMPILE_C_AS_CPP': False, 'NEW_SCAN_RESOURCES': True}
scan /tmp/chroots/ch-ca6cdebd-8a85-4da2-bd39-6cc9ab2ec8fc/src
scan /tmp/chroots/ch-ca6cdebd-8a85-4da2-bd39-6cc9ab2ec8fc/extras/mbed-os.lib
link EVAL-AD717x-AD411x-IIO.SDP_K1
L3912W: Option 'legacyalign' is deprecated.
elf2bin EVAL-AD717x-AD411x-IIO.SDP_K1
Build succeeded
Preparing to run
usbConnect error: A transfer error has occurred.

How do I resolve this any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Rohith,

I recommend trying following steps:

Arek - Studio team

Thanks for the quick reply, I tried your suggestions but had no luck.