Unable to flash the new hex file


Here I am using the sdp_k1 hardware. Recently i met with the problem while flashing that
error: The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU
type: target
link for sdp_k1: SDP-K1 | Mbed
I am flashing with drag and drap the hex file.

Can you please help me.

You should be using .BIN type file not .HEX

Can you try the ‘hello world’ example



I tried with the blinky example. Getting the same problem.

error: The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU
type: target


Can you reload the DAPLink firmware and try again, info at the bottom of the platform page.


Actually i didn’t the info. Can you please paste link of it.


CMSIS DAPLink Firmware Update | Mbed

BR, Jan

Hi Johnny,

I tried the mentioned method. I flashed the start_bl.act file. It went into the Maintainance mode. After that , dap link upgraded file is flashed.

it is showing the same error by creating a FAIL txt file.
error: The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU
type: target

I have a doubt that why this device is showing date 3/22/2016 in the attached image.

Can you please suggest me.
