Version 0.91 suddenly unlicensed

Edit: problem solved, should’ve followed the link in the error message before coming here…

The licence doesn’t allow operating MBed Studio via Remote Desktop SIGH

Been using MBed Studio since around V0.5(?) with no issues. 

Upgraded to 0.91 as soon as it was released (a couple of weeks ago?) and it worked with no problems.

Came back to it today after some hiatus to work on an existing project (same one as above when working) and I get the following when trying to build:

Building project mbed-os-test (LPC4088, ARMC6)

Scan: mbed-os-test

Compile [100.0%]: main.cpp

[ERROR] armclang: error: Failed to check out a license.

armclang: note:

Information about this error is available at:

General licensing information is available at:

If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or

- ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: 'F:\Program Files\Mbed Studio\tools-config\ac6-license.dat'





- Product location: c:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Mbed Studio\mbed-studio-tools\ac6\sw\mappings

- Toolchain location: c:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Mbed Studio\mbed-studio-tools\ac6\bin

- Selected tool variant: product

armclang: note:

- Checkout feature: mbed_armcompiler

- Feature version: 5.0201910

- Flex error code: -103

Product: ARM Compiler 6.13 for Mbed Studio

Component: ARM Compiler 6.13

Tool: armclang [5d895a00]

Did a complete uninstall and re-install with the same result - is there some kind of licence refresh required?

Hi Chris,

Yes. Unfortunately, it is a current limitation of Arm Compiler. It doesn’t work in remote desktop: compiler error
We are working with compiler team to find out what we can do about it. In the meantime we will document this issue in known issues section in docs: known issues

Arek - Mbed Studio team

Hi Are, All,

I am having this same issue:
[ERROR] armclang: error: Failed to check out a license.?

I got this after uninstalling/reinstalling Mbed-Studio on Windows-11.

I looked up the issue in the forums, and found the issue mentioned here in this forum, also after uninstalling/reinstalling. The feedback mentions that the issue is with running in Remote Desktop. But I am not running in Remote-Desktop (I also double checked with our IT guy). So it is something else, and it is definitely related to installing mBed-Studio AFTER Uninstalling mBed-Studio (using the mBed uninstall program). I believe that the uninstall program does not properly clean up everything, as after re-installing seems to remembe configurations, etc as well as giving the “[ERROR] armclang: error: Failed to check out a license.”

[ERROR] armclang: error: Failed to check out a license <==I checked this but did not see the problem/solution

Version 0.91 suddenly unlicensed <==I checked this but did not see the problem/solution

I also looked at the 2 links provided from the error message in Mbed-Studio, but did not see the issue or the fix there:
2> Software Licensing – Arm Developer