Big wow, much buzz

So hitting to write some code as usually, I suddenly got hit with the new page and had to find my way to the ‘classic’ section.

After reading a bit of the new stuff I get you’re all happy about the new IoT stuff.
But let’s face it: It’s a wall of text, featuring loads of marketing buzzwords, and you basically took the uncomplicated way to get into the compiler (which should’ve been called IDE anyway) from us and hid it behind another extra scroll down and click. And this is for a BETA. Nothing more. Now after reading a bit, I see the mbed LPC1768 isn’t even yet supported.
Seriously? This looks like a death sentence. Where’s your road map? Couldn’t find it.
You might want to communicate a couple of things leaving out all the buzz.

UPDATE: I just found the 'announcing our plans in the classic page. Pics don’t load, you’re talking about releasing in a distant future, and best of all: the link to the roadmap is a 404. Is it already time to export everything and move back to Keil?

Best regards,
cynic as always,