Communication between 2 lora module using radio frequency technology

Hello ARM Mbed,
i am currently working on stm32-WL55JC1 (cortex-M4) lora module, but i could not find any resourses or any ideas about how 2 WL55JC1 lora module will communicate with each other by using lorawan technolgy or you can say radio technology by using stm CUBEIDE .

so could you please give me the sample code to communicate 2 lora module by using stm32 CubeIde.

Thank you,
Bipul barma Roul


Stm32CubeIDE is provided by ST micro and has nothing together with Arm Mbed. So vist page where you downloaded Stm32CubeIDE and that will be the start place or use a search engine “STM32WL55 Lora p2p example” or “STM32WL55 Lora ping pong example”

BR, Jan

Iam using linux and Iam using minicom as serial port communication can you tell how to connect between these boards wl55jc1 and i want to communicate between 2 boards using radio frequency please guide me how to do please…