Error while pushing to github, from Keil Studio

I’ve committed some changes to my project on Keil Studio, then merged from the remote (GitHub - ffxx68/Sharp_ce140f_emul), but when trying to push from Keil Studio to remote I get a popup saying

Unable to push because an error has occurred …

I can’t understand what’s wrong with my project and the error message isn’t that explanatory.

Anyone who can help?


We checked your repo and it looks like you made a few commits today. Did you try to push from Keil Studio Cloud after that? Was it your first attempt at pushing from Keil Studio?

Thank you.

The Keil Studio team.

Hi, thanks for checking. I made a few commits and then tried a push. I tried in the past and, as far as I can remember, I’ve always got that error. I think I also once re-published the repo entirely, after deleting it from github,

Hi - any suggestion, about possible reasons for the error during PUSH? Thanks!

A pull before push solved my problem… thanks anyway.