Export Mbed Studio Program (for STM32 F103RB) to STM Cube IDE project

Because of the announcement of the end of life of Mbed Studio by July 2026, we have to port our current Mbed Studio Programms for STM32F103RB which are used for teaching our students to STM Cube IDE projects.

But in the current Mbed Studio → File → Export menu, only support to Keil or tgz file.
Any one can give the advice on how to port the Mbed Studio program to STM Cube IDE project?

Thanks a lot.

yes i also want this ,pls any one give suggestion.


if you want swich to something else then consider MbedCE. It follows up on MbedOS 6+ with CMake but without ARM and their tools. The VS Code is IDE what we are using.

Unfortunately Mbed 2 and MbedOS 5 are not supported.

BR, Jan

thanks johnny.
Iam using MbedOS 5 how i will But in the current Mbed Studio → File → Export menu, only support to Keil or tgz file.
Any one can give the advice on how to port the Mbed Studio program to STM Cube IDE project or any others software, pls any one give suggestion ?

Thanks a lot.

In the past ARM Mbed maintained exporters for many IDEs but it is very time consuming task because exporters should be updated very offten usually after new version release of every IDE and without visible impact for Mbed. So i believe this is the reason why this was dropped - cost saving.

Exporters was integrated in Mbed CLI1 last time but not sure if there were also STM32CubeIDE.
You should check Exporting - Build tools | Mbed OS 6 Documentation

Anyway in long term it is not good to use MbedOS5 for the future you will faced same issues like faced people who used Mbed2 for more than 10years.

If you will choose MbedCE I am able to help little bit more, and yeah ofc it will take a time.
Usually is good to have list of targets and libraries what you want/need to use in your projects, then we can make an analyze how realistick it could be.

BR, Jan

Thanks for the feedback from all of you. I have successfully ported my Mbed project (bare-metal profile) to Keil MDK (community license) in the past several days. I tested the code under Keil uVision. Seems code is running well.

However, I found that Mbed Studio won’t export my customised project. I have to create the project from Mbed example, don’t change anything, then can successfully export it to Keil project.

Keil MDK (Community License) is OK for my case as my target is to teach my students on the fundamentals of MCU.