in Mbed Studio you have a panel/card called Libraries (close to Output, Problems and so on), there you will see. If you do not see that panel, then navigate to View->Libraries or press CTRL+Shift+L
- Mbed C++ Programming for STM32F429 and Windows - Mbed Studio - Arm Mbed OS support forum
- Need a small example C++ program please - Mbed Studio - Arm Mbed OS support forum
So is this your progress from 23 May? Again and again new topic with similar content.
Of course, that you can establish a communication between your laptop and your Dev kit Nucleo-F429ZI, but you need to know your requirements and do something for that.
- Here are BufferedSerial - API and UnbufferedSerial - API or USBSerial - API only if you want use onboard USB-OTG.
Try these examples. Then try to make your simple program where you will send a char via a Serial terminal (Termite, Teraterm and so on) from laptop and processed it in your Mbed code. You can control a Led, for example, It is good for start. - for the oposit side - windows10 python read serial port - Google Search
If you get stuck somewhere with Mbed code, let us know.
BR, Jan