How to retarget littlefs to C library function?so I could use fopen(),fread() …,I am porting littlefs to my own project based on FreeRTOS and STM32L431.
(Toyomasa Watarai)
April 1, 2022, 9:59am
You can ask to the littlefs repo and I found similar question here:
opened 03:24PM - 26 Jun 19 UTC
closed 04:50PM - 09 Aug 19 UTC
I'm starting a implementation of LittleFS onto my code and in the pro… cess some questions were raised:
1- Is LittleFS thread safe? I mean, can I mount my fs in my main and use within any threads with no worries, or should I implement a mutex to work with fs?
2- Should I unmount my filesystem or can I live it mount through out the entire program?
3- Do I have a limit of files/folders I can create? If not, does it mean that by increasing the number of file/folders will increase the RAM usage? Can I see a metrics of it?
4- In my application I have 10 files that won't change much, but I have to consistently write 8 bytes do flash, every 5 minutes approximately. What would be the best implementation, thinking on wear and RAM usage, use multiple files for each write sepparating them on folders, or use a single file and just append to the end the next data?
Thank you in advance,
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