Hi, I have a project using STM32F103RB board with Mbed studio and I have been facing 1 problem with the dht11 sensor. I have tried all the libraries I could find but it seems like all the libraries I have tried have same common problem because the device I am using doesn’t have FPU.
I really need help finding a dht11 library that is compatible with the device. I just started learning so I also don’t know how to configure the library codes to fix the problem.
this error is not related to any DHT library and the error is reported by clang. It is know unsolved issue for years. So if the studio generates a bin file then just ignore this clang error or try this
Hi, thanks for solution! It worked perfectly. However I got some new problem using threads. Right now I am trying to use 3 threads but it seems like only the first two initialized in order works and the third one never worked. I am not sure if it might be memory problem with the board or the configuration code in my mbed_app.json file below.
“target_overrides”: {
“*”: {
“target.c_lib”: “small”,
“target.printf_lib”: “std”,
“platform.minimal-printf-enable-floating-point”: false,
“platform.stdio-minimal-console-only”: true
Configuration seems be OK and not related to threads.
It can be issue around memory because F103RB has just 20KB of RAM, not sure. I do not know what operation do your threads but maybe you can try to set smaller stack size in the Thread constructor. Thread - API references and tutorials | Mbed OS 6 Documentation