Installation Aborted on Win10

Thank you for providing more information. We haven’t seen this issue before. We’ll check the exact version of Windows you are using. In the meantime would you mind trying to follow those steps? It should remove all Mbed Studio files from the system.

  1. Please run an uninstaller for Mbed Studio. You can use either Add/Remove Programs or find uninstaller in your Mbed Studio install location.
  2. Please check that following paths do not exist. Please delete those folders in case that they are still there: C:\Program Files\Mbed Studio, C:\ProgramData\Mbed Studio, ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Mbed Studio, ~\AppData\Local\Mbed Studio.
  3. Install Mbed Studio again

What comes to my mind is that it is possible that restart is pending on your Windows system. That’s why Studio can’t be installed correctly. Restarting your system may help in that case after uninstallation.

I can point you also at registry but it shouldn’t be required. Uninstaller should be able to remove all Mbed Studio information from registry.

Please let us know if those steps worked for you. In the meantime we will investigate this issue on the same build version of Windows 10.

PS: The reason while nothing worked for you when you extracted just an executable is the fact that tools shipped with Mbed Studio were missing on your system. Mbed Studio is shipped with many tools that are required for most functionalities present in the IDE. In case you are interested, you can see the list of tools shipped with Studio here:

Arek - Mbed Studio team

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