Is there support for an olimex LPC-P2378 dev board

The subject says it all
Is there support for an olimex LPC-P2378 dev board

I have an old (I think but almost unused board I would like to be able to program.
I would rather like to keep my learning curve as shallow as I can.
I can program in C and C++, but most of my experience has been various assembler languages
using those types of tool chains, doing real time code.

Unfortunately, it looks like this chip is older than the ARM Cortex core, so it’s too old to be supported by Mbed. The only LPC chips currently supported are:

  • LPC1768
  • LPC54114
  • LPC546xx

Thank you for the reply Jamie,

Some more digging on my part has turned up the# Jumentum-SOC programming environment, for the LPC1768, LPC2378 and others,
But it has not been updated in several years and might not run on newer machines.
I will just have to give it a try I guess.

Thanks again,