Location of log file? (macOS)


Trying to run my nucleo-h732zi2 program I essentially end up with a flash message that the operation failed (which in itself would seem like a bug) and I should check the logs.

I neither found a menu option to open the log, didn’t see a file location in the mbed studio configuration options, didn’t find an obvious log file in either of the following locations: user home directory, workspace, project directory, Mbed Studio.app (contents), system > application support > etc,

If there were a log file, I could check if I can resolve the issue by myself.

I would suggest to add / generate the log file in either the project directory or the build directory by default.

Hi Philip,

It is possible to access the log file by clicking on the Help menu, then selecting “Report an Issue”. This opens up a dialog where you will find a link to “Access Log”. If you click this link the file navigator will open in the location where the log file is, then you can open it.

I hope this helps. I think this log file link is rather hidden, so maybe there is a way we could surface this to make it easier to find.

Mike Q - Mbed Studio team

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